Friday, October 31, 2008

Have you seen it?!

Now available.....your own address book....right in your Heritage Studio! This is so COOL and so easy! You just enter the addresses into your account that you may want to send a project to. This includes your Christmas cards! No more addressing envelopes and putting on stamps and running to the post office! Heritage Makers will take care of it ALL for you! Just design your card/project, submit to publish, choose to ship to yourself or to another person and you are done! So fast, easy and FUN!
Contact me for more questions!

Just in time for the holiday season! Announcing, a new “satin” finish on all greeting cards and playing cards. This is a free upgrade. The “satin” finish and texture are significant improvements over our existing cards. The finish also allows for better visual and color quality.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are you finished with your Christmas Shopping?!

Let me help you with your Christmas Shopping! Here are some Great ideas!

My mom and dad are getting a beautiful, custom designed calendar with family photos on every page! Cost for this gift: $27.00

I am giving my sister and sister in law a custom designed deck of playing cards with pictures of their children on them! Cost for this gift: $18.98 each...under $20 for their gift this year!

What about giving each of your children a book entitled "Before I was your mother" so that they know YOUR important is that! For 3 kids the total is $127.44....that is under $45.00 for each of them to receive this priceless gift! about a custom designed poster for your children to put on their walls? Cost for this gift is less than $10.00 each! They will fit perfectly, rolled up in their stockings!

Given the current, difficult economic situation, here are just a few of the benefits of this:
*No spending money on gas to drive all over
*No need to fight the crowd at shopping malls
*No need to stand in long lines and drag your kids busy, harried stores!
*Everything can be purchased from the comfort of your own home
*I am here to help you every step of the way!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I am SO excited!

I am so excited about the fun things happening at Heritage Makers! Hopefully you have seen and heard Oprah's voicemail to one of our very own consultants! Yes....Oprah believes in the power of story and that every story deserves a book of their own!